Thursday, July 16, 2009

a new spin on Christianity

so my nightly, post-work routine (booze. chicken and veggies. is Constantine on? c'mon, Korea, i know it's on one of these channels...and Yahtzee!) was interupted by a pizza ad taped to my door, which i discovered while taking out the recycling. side note: i live on the fifth floor, so, to my way of thinking, taking out the recycling and the garbage in separate trips is totally the same as going to the gym.

it's not uncommon to find food ads taped to your door here in korea. some of them have come in pretty useful from time to time, like when you want your blog readers to believe you're eating chicken and veggies, but really you got soy sauce chicken and a pizza. it happens.

anyway, the pizza advert i discovered not fifteen minutes ago had a very interesting addendum in the upper right hand corner.

it says, and i quote, "Jesus loves You. Since 1967." really? because that would suck for the puritans. i kind of love the idea that these people are offering me a pizza with tempura shrimp in the crust and the rather incendiary knowledge that our Lord and Saviour only started digging us at the tail end of all that dirty hippie nonsense.


  1. Hi
    I'm the owner of webpage
    I have something to tell you so please e-mail me to let me know your email address my mail address is []

  2. By your picture, you aren't that old..

    So maybe it was a private message from the aether?

    Jesus loves YOU since 1967!

    Even if you are a Puritan.


  3. haha. It' so funny. I understand you to feel crazy for food ads taped to your door. It is annoying...

  4. Hey! I really like your blog! Would you like to do a link exchange with me? You can check out my blog here: If you're interested, just send me an email: smileyjkl(at)hotmail(dot)com.
