Wednesday, October 14, 2009


i just participated in the seoul players "night of 1000 plays." (i call the people in my drama group nerds. to their faces, which makes it okay.) amongst my quibbles with the night of 1000 plays are A: the fact that there were, like, 40 plays which were B: spaced out over two nights. you say po-tay-toe, i say 40 is a whole fucking lot less than 1000.

i learned many things during my time with the nerds. i learned that you must never, ever tell drama nerds that you don't like the play Rent. fyi: i don't like the play Rent. why? because you wanna know how you're gonna pay the rent? you're gonna get a damn job, you waste of space hippie. however, drama nerds don't want to hear anything about you not liking Rent. they will stare at you like you're Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and they're the UN General Assembly.

really, people. it's not a good play.

still the night of (insert sarcastic air quotes) 1000 plays was quite a lot of fun. i got to play some guy's subconscious mind, as a lesbian. and a weird character called Baby Boo that totally defies explanation. and william came up to visit. whee!

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