Saturday, November 28, 2009

pithy pop song wisdom

you say you wanna go there?
ride, then.
you say you don't wanna be here?
leave, then.
time comes to get gone.
--greg dulli

and the time will come
when you add up the numbers
and the time will come
when you motor away
why don't you just
drive away?
--robert pollard

here's the thing. i used to be unhappy. desperately so. to the point of being a cliche. and then...i left the place that made me unhappy and i tried something new. i have no patience for unhappy people. i just don't. the world is full of ways to be joyous. try harder.


  1. 生命是一頓豐富的宴席,有人卻寧可挨餓........................................

  2. Hi Miss.Tris,

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